Don't get too much involved in making a living that you stop making a life...RU

Wednesday, April 4, 2007


Change is life not death
Enjoy its every face

it is the law of nature
so be ready to accept it in future

change is mandatory to move ahead
so don't let your enthusiasm to fade

to flow with the river of life is life
and opposing it will not be wise

there is lot more to com about.
so its not good to be down,

no one gets anything before time and more then why are you in such a rush.


PGDSM MIT said...
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PGDSM MIT said...

hey rohit..nice poem..makes me ask d destiny v/s freewill question..dont u think one tht has freewill cud get things b4 time n beyond luck..after all, wots luck..'preparation' meets 'opportunity'..wotsay?
